Ends on $30.00

If eligible, you may apply to all residencies using this single application.


Application Requirements:

1. Fill out the questionnaire

2. Attach a writing sample from the project you will be working on during the Residency:

  • Fiction and Nonfiction: One unpublished writing sample, 6,000 words or less. A short story/essay or a portion of a novel/NF project may be submitted. 
  • Poetry: Up to six unpublished poems totaling no more than 20 pages.
  • Translation: Please follow the requirements for the genre in the original language and submit your translation and the original text.
  • Graphic Novel:  Up to 30 unpublished pages from the project. Please email workshop@tinhouse.com if you are unable to upload your file.

3. Provide an Artist Statement

4. Provide Residency Plans


General Eligibility Requirements

  • Working on a full-length manuscript (or a novella/chapbook) in any genre. 
  • You must be 21 or older by the time of your Residency. 
  • Former Scholars/Faculty are eligible to apply. Former Residents are not.
  • International writers may apply.


YA Residency

This residency is open to writers working on a YA Novel.

General Residency 

This Residency is open to any author working on a full-length manuscript.

Pay It Forward

As part of our Pay It Forward program, you have the option of helping cover the cost of another writer’s application fee or contribute to our Residency Travel Fund, which helps provide travel assistance to our Residents. Thank you!